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Ms.Henry’s Class Visit the Linenhall Arts Centre

Ms. Henry’s 4th and 5th Class attended a wonderful art exhibition yesterday in the Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar by the artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward. The exhibition explored the art of paper folding from simple to more complex structures and varied in size and shape. The exhibition explored the transition between 2D and 3D shapes and were both aesthetically pleasing and intriguing.

The children were allowed look at the exhibit and the facilitators Elisa, Isaac and Daniel then asked questions of the children about what they thought the structures looked like or made them think of. This was an interesting part of the exhibition as the answers given were very creative. The children were complemented on their curiosity and wonderful enthusiasm.
Following the exhibition, the children took part in an excellent hands on workshop in paper folding. They made colourful snakes, finger puppets, dogs and various other paper structures which the children were very proud of, and so they should have been, they were beautiful. The excitement, engagement and overall enjoyment in this activity was clearly seen by all the children.

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