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Students of the Week Friday, September 6th & 13th

We begin by saying well done Junior Infant students and Ms. Munnelly’s wonderful students in Sugradh who have completed their first full week in Primary School. We are delighted with how well they have settled into their new school.

The past fortnight also saw the girls and boys from 3rd to 6th take to the pitch and playing areas behind the school to train for the Primary School Cross Country Championships which will take place shortly in Swinford. It really is fantastic to see the children’s progression to date and also the great attitude they displayed of never giving up even when things were difficult! Well done to all the children who worked so hard throughout their lunch breaks.

And so to our first students of the week for our new school year. At the outset the teachers were unanimous in saying how difficult the decisions had been this week with so many students in contention, however, the focus, concentration, hard work, excellent manners and willingness to succeed of this week’s students pushed them very much to the fore.

Each of this week’s students of the week has made a wonderful start to the new school year. We hope they can continue to work in this manner throughout the school year.

Well done also to all those who have worked so hard to date. We’re certain all the teachers can see how well you are doing and are sure your time will come very soon.

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