We celebrated Grandparent’s Day on Wednesday, January 22nd. This is always one of the highlights of our school year and an essential part of our Catholic School Week celebrations.
Our day began with Mass in St.James’ Church giving thanks for all our grandparents. The mass was prepared and led by Ms.Henry’s Third class who deserve great credit for their hard work and the manner in which they prepared for and participated in the mass.
After mass, it was lovely to welcome our grandparents to school where they visited our classrooms and chatted with pupils and grandchildren. We heard many stories of what their school days were like, how they travelled to school, First Holy Communion Day, etc. We learned of chores they did on family farms and jobs which they worked as young adults, getting an insight into school and family life in former times.
Grandparents Day allowed us to meet some of our grandparents and think about the importance of all of our grandparents and the gift they are to our lives. For some, it was a return to their alma mater and a time to reminisce.
For all in St.Attracta’s NS, it was a privilege to have the opportunity to acknowledge the enormous contribution grandparents make. We sincerely thank those who took the time to visit and speak to the students and hope that all our grandparents from near and far had a lovely day!