The children from our school would like to invite all parents, family members and people of the locality to visit the school in the coming days (Friday/Monday) to see their very first Art Exhibition.
Each child in the school has contributed a piece of artwork that they completed during the year and is displayed wonderfully in the school hall. You will be amazed at the beautiful display of colour, texture, crafts, imagination and talent in all the students of our school. Ms. Henry’s 4th and 5th also have their beautiful display of the clay pieces they produced during their CRAFTed project with Henri Hedou along with Mr. Clarkes 3D engineering construction pieces. It is an exhibition not to be missed!! We’re very much looking forward to meeting you all!
Finally a very special word of thanks to Ms Henry who has coordinated this wonderful event.
Reminder: Green School Flag Raising Ceremony on Friday at 12.30pm and Class Graduations on Monday at 1pm. All details in recent circulars.