Wednesday 19th February: Féile Drámaíochta Chillmoibhí (Rang 1-4)
Thursday/Friday 20th/21st February: Mid term break School Closed.
Monday February 24th: Meeting of Parents Association at 8 p.m. in school.
Wednesday 26th February: School Swimming Starts
Thursday 27th February: Connaught Spikeball Finals in Roscommon(Rang 5/6)
Monday 3rd March: Girls County Mini Sevens Quarter Final Swinford Amenity Park at 11 a.m.Weather Permitting.
Friday 14th March: Open afternoon for our enrolling Junior Infant Class 14/15. Enrolment applications can be accessed from this site,from the school office or by email These will all be made available as and from next week.