Ghlac Rang a Ceathair agus Rang a Sé páirt sa Féile Dramaíochta i gCill Mobhí inne sna Dramaí Rumplestilskin agus Fear Draíochta Oz. D’eirigh go hiontach leo agus bhí an craic againn.
Tá súil againn go mbainfidh na paistí go léir taitneamh as an lá. Táimid an bhrodúil as na páistí mar go n-oibríonn siad go crua agus go ndéanann gach duine a ndícheall agus iad ag foghlaim agus ag labhairt gaeilge.
Buíochas mór le gach duine a chabhraigh linn chun na dramaí a chur ar siúl go háirithe na múinteoirí. We really appreciated Ms.Delaney’s and Ms.Tierney’s hard work, interest and enthusiasm in putting these dramas together and to all who helped in the background. Thank you also to Ms.Munelly and Ms.Kenny who helped out on the day.
Bhí na paistí ar fheabhas agus tá Rang a cathair ag dul tríd na Féile Scoldrámaíochta Chonnacht. Beidh Féile Scoldrámaíochta Chonnacht ar siúl i Seanscoil Sailearna in Indreabhán (Invern Co Galway), Co. na Gaillimhe ar an 20ú lá de mhí Márta 20/03 . Ádh mhór do na bpáistí go léir.
Sincere thanks to the parents who travelled to see the children on stage in Kilmovee, we really appreciated your patience and as always your support!
Last evening, we heard the wonderful news that Ms.Delaney’s play was selected to go forward to the Connaught Finals which will take place in Galway on Wednesday, March 20th at 11.30 am.
To top this news off we learned that Rang a Ceathair had been selected as the Best Drama of the day. Finally, Luke McDermott from our Fourth Class was awarded best actor of the day, maith thú Luke!
Well done to all the children who were fantastic on stage yesterday. You can be so proud of all your effort and performance. Bhí sibh thar barr. We are all very proud of you. Maith sibh go léir!