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Sports Day 2024

On Friday last we enjoyed our annual Sports Day. Thankfully the weather was very kind to us to enjoy this special date on our school calendar. The children were very excited, in advance, about the day’s activities, and they didn’t fail to impress us with their enthusiasm, determination and sportsmanship

Firstly, there was a Sports 4 All activity rotation, all classes getting the opportunity to practise and enjoy activities such as the parachute stations,obstacle courses, tennis challenge, water run, bench exercises, parachute and basketball skills, hurdles (amongst many others!).

After a much-needed break for lunch, the children lined out for the wide range of events planned for the afternoon. We were joined by many grandparents, parents, siblings and friends, who cheered everyone on with great gusto!

Events on Sports Day ranged from the regular athletic sprints and relays to a variety of novelty events fun egg & spoon, sack races and three-legged races. The children, as ever, threw themselves into all activities with great spirit, displaying a strong sense of fair play and sportsmanship.

We would like extend a big “Míle buíochas agus Comhghairdeachas Mór” to the children and their families for making it a day to remember.

The day concluded with our annual soccer game of 6th class against our staff, a thrilling conclusion to a great day!!

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