Táimid fíor bhródúil anseo ar scoil as ucht na scolairí atá againn. Bhí cuir síos den scoth déanta ag na múinteoirí faoi bhuanna agus obair na daltaí thuas.
Once again this week we are proud teachers of our wonderful pupils here in St. Attracta’s. At our weekly assembly the teachers gave a great description of the talents and attitudes towards hard work that our pupils of the week possess.
We learned of pupils who have made great improvements and are setting further challenges for themselves and we heard of pupils who are always happy even on challenging days and those who have faced new and exciting challenges with determination and good humour. As always we heard of students who could be given this coveted award each week.
We are so pleased with the engagement of all our pupils with our whole school theme of ‘Buildings’. Throughout this week we saw many examples of wonderful work in all our classes. It really promises to be a very exciting few weeks here in school.
To conclude as always well done to all of our Students of the Week and to all our students who continue to try their best in all that they do. Maith sibh go léir.