At our assembly today we remembered all our past pupils who are completing their Junior and Leaving Certificates at the moment. We really hope all their hard work is paying off and the remaining exams go well.
While this week was a short week it was again very busy as we prepared for our class and end of year graduations. We also continued with our GAA Coaching and prepared for Sports Day. The highlight for many this week was of course our swimming lessons. It really was magical to see all the boys and girls walking from our school to their local pool despite the inclement weather conditions.
We were also delighted to welcome our incoming Junior Infant Class 19/20 and their parents back to school earlier.The girls and boys received their booklists, school calendar, ordered their school uniforms and met with their teacher. Big steps in preparation for the great adventure of our next school year.
Three recurring adjectives were used to describe the children who were awarded students of the week. These were consistent, conscientious and kind. These are wonderful descriptions of children examples of all that we strive to achieve with our students. Each week our children are role models for the rest of our school and we as teachers are always thrilled to hear the reasons for their success. At times it can be a challenge, especially as we head towards the end of term, but our children are always doing their best. It really is great to see this progress and that development can occur at all times throughout the year. These students progress only highlights the belief that your teachers have in you! Well done to you all. Maith sibh go léir.
Swimming continues next week in Charlestown Swimming Pool. Our remaining Swimming dates are as follows Monday June 10th, Wednesday June 12th and for Sonas, Spraoi and Sásta on Thursday June 13th.
Dates for Diary
Junior/Senior Infants: June 12th : Tullyboy Farm
Rang 1/2: June 19th Achill Aquarium .
Rang 3/4 :June 25th Lough Key Forest Park
June 21st: Sports Day Weather permitting .
June 27th : Class Graduations for all classes : details will follow / Flag Raising Ceremony @1.15pm
June 27th: Sixth Class Graduation Mass at 7.30 pm details will follow.
Finally all that remains this week is to wish our Girls the very best on Monday evening in their County Final in McHale Park. We are so proud of our girls and hope they each enjoy this very special occasion.