We had a wonderful assembly to conclude another busy week. As always we were reminded of all the great things that are going on in our school and in our classrooms. This week we had Cumann na mBunscol, Active School’s activities, Green School Awards and preparation for our First Holy Communion not to forget excellent teaching and learning!
Our Students of the Week have a common theme this week. All of their teachers spoke about their positivity and desire to finish the year on a high.
We heard of children who just get on with things. If they see something that needs to be done, they just get on with it. This is a wonderful trait to see in our children and makes our job as teachers so much easier.
We also heard about pupils who are helpful, patient and empathetic of the needs of others and are willing to give up their own time to be of help and comfort to them. We concluded by learning of students with excellent manners who set a great example for all.
Finally our assembly concluded by wishing the students of our Second Class and their families a wonderful day tomorrow as they make their First Holy Communion and we thanked Mr.Clarke and Mrs. McCafferty for all their work in preparation for this special day. Maith sibh go léir.
Bianigí an taitneamh as an deireadh seachtaine.
Date for your Diary:Reminder
Friday May 24th School closure due to European/Local Elections and the referendum on the regulation of divorce.